How to Whiten Knee and elbow

How to Whiten Knee and elbow
Natural ways that are often used by people to whiten knees and elbows of them with :
1 . By using Lemon Juice
Lemon is believed to lighten dark skin . Way by rubbing lemon juice on your knees and elbows in the dark 2 times a day . How can with cotton dipped in lemon juice and wiped it on the knees and elbows . Let stand for 15-20 minutes then rinse with water . Additionally you can also use lemon peel by rubbing the knee and elbow for 4-5 minutes . Do not jump to moisturize the skin knee & elbow before / after doing it this way . If you do it regularly then your knees and elbows will look dark again .
2 . By using Sugar Scrub
Well , this one is definitely the material is very easy to get. The fine grain of sugar can be used to remove the dark color on the knees and elbows . Other benefits are the nutrients it contains can serve to moisturize the skin . Very easy way , you can dissolve it first in water and then rubbed on the knees and your elbows . Do it this way one time in a day to get maximum results and fast course .
3 . Whiten using Turmeric
Turmeric has many benefits in the body can be used for treatment or to whiten dark skin . Not only that , turmeric can also soften and smooth rough skin and makes your skin tan that had black or dark .
How to use it to take the egg whites and mix with two drops of olive oil and lemon . Next add the turmeric that has been smoothed . And the latter apply on knees and elbows and can with clean water .
4 . With Coconut Oil
How to use it by applying coconut oil and massage on the elbows and knees are dark for 5 minutes . Leave it for some time and then wash with water . And you can also mix coconut oil with a few drops of lemon juice to get the skin whiter .
5 . with Yogurt
How to use this with Yogurt mixed with a few drops of vinegar would be a natural ingredient to whiten knees and elbows . Then apply the mixture on your knees and elbows . Then leave for 15 minutes then rinse .
That was some natural ways to whiten knee and elbow . Perform routine well for maximum results !

Food - Food That Makes Quick Heal Acne

Food - Food That Makes Quick Heal Acne

One of the myths are still believed was eating chocolate or nuts can cause acne . Try to remember again , this month did you ever eat chocolate or peanuts ? If the answer is no , then the acne where ya come from?
Acne is not only caused by fatty foods . Which mainly is due to hormones and bad habits you do not clean your face properly . As a result , it often appeared acne and inflamed on the face .
Suggested also , if you have acne prone skin then you should reduce your intake of fat and protein . Both of these do not cause acne , but will make the inflammation caused by acne long healing process .
To cure acne no way instantnya . You do have to perform a variety of maintenance and control of food so that it can help the healing process . Here are some vitamins that can help speed up the healing of acne .
vitamin A
These vitamins act as antioxidants that fight free radicals in the body . He will make skin regenerate properly so that the skin does not become dull and acne heal faster .
Sources of Vitamin A : carrots , sweet potatoes , tomatoes , broccoli , cabbage , papaya , mango , and so forth .
vitamin B6
These vitamins help control acne on face and back , especially when she was menstruating . Generally, while it is PMS or menstruation , acne will appear a lot more than normal . So you need vitamin B6 to prevent excessive inflammatory acne .
Sources of vitamin B : cauliflower , cabbage , bananas , broccoli , beans , onion , sesame seeds , and so forth .
vitamin C
Vitamins are easily absorbed by the body will help fight infections . Antioxidants will remove toxins from the body , especially those that can affect the formation of stress and acne . The usual dose consumption of vitamin C is 75 mg per day .
Sources of vitamin C : red peppers , cabbage , broccoli , cauliflower , strawberries , oranges , lemons , tomatoes , and so forth .
In addition to vitamins , you are advised to consume minerals like Selenium and Zinc .
Selenium works counteracting inflammation in the body , it will also reduce inflammation in the skin and help fight infection .
Selenium sources : tuna , oysters , mushrooms , cheese , liver , chicken , and so forth .
Zinc serves to help speed healing and drying acne . He will also act as an anti - septic that prevent bacteria from growing on the skin of acne .
Sources of Zinc : oysters , nuts , shrimp , egg yolks , whole grains , and so forth .
This should not stop eating it to help cure acne . You just need to know what foods can speed up healing .

Type II variation Stirrup : Stirrup Aesthetic

Type II variation Stirrup : Stirrup Aesthetic
Ladies , braces or more tenarnya called the stirrup sekarng again hit ya ? These objects are placed in the wire teeth has now become an indicator of social status you know. Charm does not fade stirrup , stirrup currently still a popular method of therapy . Even later , not a few who make it as a fashion object to just show off style .
Most users stirrup , felt uncomfortable with the structure of their teeth . Various reasons put forward why their teeth should be fenced , but not infrequently also stirrup Just sweetener teeth than mere decoration accessories .
Considering the price of braces is not exactly cheap , appears assuming braces wearers only people from the upper middle . In fact, not infrequently children or adolescents who use it say rich kid . Actually , why the hell should gear wired ? In the township , many emerging dental expert with supermiring price . Is it safe to wire it stuck in our teeth ? described on the site , stirrup is orthodontic treatment to correct a mismatch untidiness and arrangement of the teeth , to get a good tooth relationships that improve masticatory function and facial aesthetics to create harmony . There are some circumstances in which a person needs to undergo orthodontic treatment , if there is a discrepancy in the relationship tooth arch .
Many types of braces , one of which is the stirrup aesthetic / color of teeth can be an alternative for you who do not want to stirrup too visible . Stirrup aesthetic function similar to metal braces . Like a metal stirrup , stirrup aesthetic is also very convenient and efficient to move your teeth . but the same function .
Ladies interested in wearing braces ? Want a metal or a color , the decision is yours . Good luck .

Effective Ways to Prevent Breast Cancer Through Food

Effective Ways to Prevent Breast Cancer Through Food
Do you prefer strawberry jam instead of peanut butter ? Some interesting info it will change your perception of peanut butter .
Recent research has shown that women consider nuts as the enemy . Fear of peanut can cause acne so more often avoided . In fact , even peanut protein sources and good fats that can reduce the risk of breast cancer cell growth .
In that study , as reported by Yahoo Shine , stating that peanut butter has the ability to reduce the risk of breast cancer by 39 % . Indicated by data collection and study of 9 thousand women in a project called Growing Up Today . The study, conducted by Harvard Medical School found that cysts , benign tumors , and so forth can be lowered so that the risk of breast cancer do not develop by eating peanut butter .
Is a bad lifestyle which causes more and more women in this world who suffer from breast cancer . Diet must be done to prevent this . Eat foods low in fat is recommended so that the risk of any dangerous disease can be lowered . And for the consumption of healthy fats , you can get it from the peanut butter . Can be combined with a variety of food served every day , peanut butter shown to reduce the risk of breast cancer .
It was also found that the habit of consuming alcoholic beverages increases the risk of breast cancer by 11 % , researchers are also advised to avoid junk food menus with the amount of fat that is not controlled .
To reduce risk of breast cancer , it is recommended that women :

routine exercise
Reduce the consumption of food rich fat content
Do not smoke
Eat protein rich menu , increase the intake of vegetables and fruits
Avoid intake of sugary foods and refined sugar
Moreover , not only are peanuts helps lower the risk of breast cancer . You can also try a variety of other nuts as a healthy snack . The important thing is to maintain the balance of body weight , exercising regularly and eating vegetables and fruits .

6 Benefits of Aloe Vera Yang Turns Other Important

6 Benefits of Aloe Vera Yang Turns Other Important

Ladies , beauty is one of the investment by using natural beauty treatments . The result may be a long time to get, but it will also last a long time when we routinely do . One way is to use aloevera .
This one green plant is a plant that many properties . Usually people use this plant to soothe sunburned skin or hair healthy . But you may not know some of the other benefits below .
Overcome Dry Skin
Aloe vera or aloe vera famous rich in vitamin E that can be used to treat dry skin problems. Dry skin if left alone will make our skin peeling , looks dull , aging and itching . When our skin dry and lack of moisture , then the germs easy entry . Well , treatment using aloe vera can help moisturize while providing antiseptic and soothing skin .
Reduce Stretch Marks Display
Many women are insecure with their stretchmarks . Fortunately more stretch marks on the parts that can be hidden in clothing . Still, it did not solve the problem . One way around that is to use aloe vera which can reduce the appearance of stretchmarks . Because the content in it contains essential minerals and vitamins that can treat skin vitality and elasticity .
against Aging
Because the rich will benefit , aloe vera can be used as one way to fight aging . Mask Aloe vera is one of your best friends who want to combat premature aging , often stressed , anxious or have problematic skin . Many scientists are looking for what substance in the aloe vera that keep us youthful face . However, with the vitamins and nutrients that many in aloe vera, allowing the effect was very good for the skin .
Lowering Blood Sugar
For those of you who like sweet food consumption , aloe vera can be one way to control blood sugar . Enjoy a drink aloe vera meat fresh and you can get manfaatnay for your skin as well as blood sugar .
Reduce Body Fat
Aloe Vera also bsia Helps reduce body fat , especially fats are bad. Digestion so much healthier and smoother , and your body is more fresh . Use aloe vera as one of the menu to detoxify the body .
Overcoming Acne
Consumed as food , drink or applied beyond the skin could also be one way to cope with acne prone skin . Aloe vera is believed to be a natural substance that can reduce the inflammation of acne and scars are reddish . Additionally aloe is also suitable for sensitive skin .

For the treatment of vaginal Newlywed

For the treatment of vaginal Newlywed

Why the hell should exist a special soap to miss V , if ya can not use regular soap to clean the vagina ?
Ladies , the vagina is an organ that is very important for women , who also have special treatment and should not be indiscriminate . pH of the vagina should also be maintained , so that is not too dry or too humid . Using regular soap to clean the vagina tends to cause new problems for the vagina , such as loss of moisture , or just make it too moist and would make a great medium for bacteria to grow .
Especially your new bride , Miss V 's care must be a priority yes . Besides being a fun lunch husband , as a mother , the one area that should not be taken lightly .
Well , if you've tended to overlook and miss treatments soothe V. From now on follow some maintenance tips vagina so that the perfect beauty and health .
Tips 1 .
How to clean the vagina right is from the front to the back of the procession . This will help prevent bacteria from the anus into Miss V.
Tip 2 .
After urinating or defecating, be sure to clean the rest of the water using a tissue . Let it wet and too moist will provide a medium for bacteria to grow rapidly . It also can make the vagina less pleasant smelling and easy to experience vaginal discharge problem .
Tips 3 .
Replace your pads once every 6-7 hours to avoid bacterial infection .
Tip 4 .
Avoid using bath soap , scented soap , or giving talc powder on the genital area . Scent will actually make the vagina susceptible to problems . Better to choose a special soap for genital area , the pH was adjusted .
Tip 5 .
Do not scratch itchy genital area while . Go to the bathroom and rinse with water or anti- bacterial soap specifically for the vagina that itch subsided .
Tip 6 .
Choose quality materials panties and absorb well . Avoid choosing underwear made ​​of heat and absorbs sweat less because it can cause fungal infections and odor.
For it is better to just have a high priority than a lot of underwear .
7 tips .
Avoid using water that is too hot when washing Miss V. Use only cold water to prevent irritated vagina .
Tip 8 .
Activities hundred spa also be done at least once a month to keep the vagina to keep it tight , soft , and fragrant .
Write down important information and do not forget to share with all her friends yes , Ladies .

Sports Benefits While Pregnant

Sports Benefits While Pregnant

Are those of you who are pregnant , exercise is a burden ? In fact , there may be some that say , bring the body weight alone , why should plus sports ?
All thoughts will disappear after you read the benefits of exercise during pregnancy follows , as reported by the following . You will absolutely love it .
1 . improve energyRegular exercise will strengthen your cardiovascular , so it is not easy to feel tired . With a strong and toned muscles , you just need a little effort in carrying out any activity .
2 . Sleep betterWhen you carry more weight in the front of your body , it will be difficult finding the right position and comfortable while sleeping . Exercise will help you perform a variety of jobs with your energy and will make you quite tired enough to sleep becomes more restful .
3 . reduce discomfortRoutine exercise will stretch and strengthen your muscles , which will help in overcoming the aches and pains of pregnancy . Stretching will alleviate back pain , walking can improve blood circulation , strengthen muscles and can swim .
4 . Memperiapkan deliveryThe better your body , the stronger you when delivery . Labor merupaka long journey that requires stamina , embroidery , and focus . With regular exercise will make labor easier and shorter .
5 . Reduce stress and improve moraleExercise can increase the amount of serotonin , a brain chemical elements in reference to the mood , the spirit will give you more .